Task1| The charts below show the number of people in Europe who were affected by four types of noise by day and night in cities and rural areas in 2007

[Introduction] The bar charts illustrate/detail/depict/elucidate noise levels in Europe in 2007 delineated/describe/detail by time of day and rural or urban location.

[Overall] Looking from an overall perspective//Overall, it is readily apparent that traffic was overwhelmingly the main source of noise, followed by trains, aircraft, and finally industry. Noise levels were also higher during the day in both rural and urban areas though cities were generally noisier at all times.

[B.P-1 ] Traffic noise in cities during the day and at night was very common, affecting 64 million and 48 million residents, respectively. Rural figures for traffic noise were approximately half as high at 34 million and 24 million. Turning to noise from trains, in cities, 10 million individuals were impacted in the day and 8 million at night. In rural areas, this data was only slightly lower (8 million and 6 million).

[B.P.-2 ] Aircraft and industry accounted for considerably less noise disturbance in 2007 with just 4 million and 1 million affected by flights in cities during the day and at night, in turn. 2 million residents also heard aircrafts at night in the countryside, with half as many aware of daytime flights. In terms of industry, the data for the countryside was negligible and in cities stood at 1 million impacted during days and 0.25 during nights.


1. The bar charts detail noise levels in Europe in 2007 delineated by time of day and rural or urban location. 2. Looking from an overall perspective, it is readily apparent that traffic was overwhelmingly the main source of noise, followed by trains, aircraft, and finally industry. 3. Noise levels were also higher during the day in both rural and urban areas though cities were generally noisier at all times.

  1. Paraphrase what the table shows.
  2. Write a clear overview summarising the differences.
  3. You might need another sentence for your overview.

1. Traffic noise in cities during the day and at night was very common, affecting 64 million and 48 million residents, respectively. 2. Rural figures for traffic noise were approximately half as high at 34 million and 24 million. 3. Turning to noise from trains, in cities, 10 million individuals were impacted in the day and 8 million at night. 4. In rural areas, this data was only slightly lower (8 million and 6 million).

  1. Begin writing about the data for the first categories.
  2. Make sure you compare as much as possible.
  3. Keep describing and comparing.
  4. This one has lots of data so is a little longer than normal.

1. Aircraft and industry accounted for considerably less noise disturbance in 2007 with just 4 million and 1 million affected by flights in cities during the day and at night, in turn. 2. 2 million residents also heard aircrafts at night in the countryside, with half as many aware of daytime flights. 3. In terms of industry, the data for the countryside was negligible and in cities stood at 1 million impacted during days and .25 during nights.

  1. Write about the final, other parts of the graph – include everything!
  2. Compare the categories.
  3. Finish all the data.


The bar charts detail noise levels in Europe in 2007 delineated by time of day and rural or urban locationLooking from an overall perspective, it is readily apparent that traffic was overwhelmingly the main source of noise, followed by trains, aircraft, and finally industry. Noise levels were also higher during the day in both rural and urban areas though cities were generally noisier at all times.

Traffic noise in cities during the day and at night was very commonaffecting 64 million and 48 million residents, respectively. Rural figures for traffic noise were approximately half as high at 34 million and 24 million. Turning to noise from trains, in cities, 10 million individuals were impacted in the day and 8 million at night. In rural areas, this data was only slightly lower (8 million and 6 million).

Aircraft and industry accounted for considerably less noise disturbance in 2007 with just 4 million and 1 million affected by flights in cities during the day and at night, in turn. 2 million residents also heard aircrafts at night in the countryside, with half as many aware of daytime flights. In terms of industry, the data for the countryside was negligible and in cities stood at 1 million impacted during days and .25 during nights.


Try to write down or think of an antonym/opposite word for further practice:

detail show

noise how loud it is

delineated describe, detail

rural countryside

urban location from cities

Looking from an overall perspective, it is readily apparent that traffic overall

overwhelmingly a lot more

main source where most comes from

aircraft planes

industry business, factories, etc.

higher larger than

though despite

generally overall

at all times always

common prevalent

affecting impacting

respectively in turn

figures data

approximately about

half as high 50%

Turning to next

impacted affected

slightly lower a lot less

accounted for was reported at

considerably less a lot less

disturbance being annoyed by

in turn respectively

residents people

heard listened to

half as many 50% as much

aware know about

In terms of concerning

negligible not important at all

stood at was at

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